Upload bootloader for avr from Arduino UNO

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Note: the reset pin is digital pin 10 of Arduino UNO

You may encounter some errors:

1.avrdude: Yikes!  Invalid device signature.
         Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
         this check.

-> solution: checked your diy board very carefully, use the meters and check conectivity from target arduino pins to your AVRmakeII or Arduino UNO.

in fact,you have to check 5 connection (1) MOSI, (2) MISO, (3) Reset(pin number 29), (4) SCK, (5) your capacitor and crystal. Check to make sure it connected with arduino pin.

2. Second error

Image result for expected signature for atmega328p

-> solution: I not really sure wether we can apply the same method for many atemega chips because I did not check it. But for the best case, check your chip cause there are many versions of arduino atmega 328PB, 328P-AU, 328….

so check carefully what type of chip you used.

The video below show the same process of burn bootloader and apply on Atmega3298P-AU

3. error

verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0xfd != 0x05
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch

solution  update the arduino avr



before press burn bootloader, you have to choose target board. keep the connection as it is, just change the board to your target. Remember, your board sometimes can be considered to be UNO and also can be a mini pro…Just remember when you upload the code this your custom board, choose the target as when it was burn bootloader.

Simple, if choosed as a UNO then later upload sketch as UNO

if choosed as a mini pro, then later upload sketch as  a mini pro

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